Category Archives: Humor

Signs of Talibanism

Didn’t Harry Belafonte sing, “C’mon Mr. Taliban, gimme me banana.” 10 SIGNS YOU MIGHT BE A MEMBER OF THE TALIBAN #10 you refine heroin but object to beer. #9 You own a $300 AK-47, but can?t afford shoes. #8 You have more wives than teeth. #7 Your vests come in two styles; bullet-proof and suicide […]

Irish Ha-Ha

An Irishman who goes on to a building site looking for a job and is told by the foreman that he will have to undertake a brief test. ‘Fine,’ says the Irishman. ‘OK then,’ says the foreman. ‘First up, can you tell me the difference between a joist and a girder?’ ‘That’s easy,’ the Irishman […]

All Hail Homer

Last night I was alone after a Chinese take-out Christmas diiner with my young comrades downstairs. After the dumpling feast I went outside to get some air.

Flee Flee Flee

In 2012 the preacher for Live For God’s Kingdom had biblically deciphered the mysteries of the Mayan Apocalypse. Scoot Reeve advised his flock to flee in St. Joseph, Michigan to Jerusalem as a safe refuge for true believers. His sermons of the Last of Days had reinforced the doomsday convictions of my old friend, the […]

Shakespeare 101

A middle-aged male teacher had been hitting on a pretty female student. He thought she was a little stupid and during class asked her, “Name three plays by Shakespeare.” The blonde co-ed thought pondered over the question for a few seconds and then replied slyly, “4 inches, 8 inches and 12 inches.” “What’s that supposed […]