Monthly Archives: December 2021

The Last Christmas Tree

After Thanksgiving Christmas trees crowd the sidewalks of New York. On the corner of Fulton and St. Felix Streets the holiday franchise has been run by Laurent and Amy, who have transported evergreens from the northern forest of Quebec for the last six seasons. We spoke in French with their accent a provincial Quebecois and […]

JAI YEN MAI by Peter Nolan Smith

Several years ago on Boxing Day my daughter was playing on our soi in Pattaya. A pick-up roared down the street like the driver had murdered his wife and was bell-bent for the border. From my perspective the bumper came too close to my little precious daughter and I jumped on my scooter to chase […]

The Wasteland of TV

TS Eliot wrote his groundbreaking elegy to commemorate the slaughter of a generation in WWI. April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. The poet’s first four lines have symbolized the boredom of waiting for summer to millions, but the wasteland […]

From Here To Timbucktu

When I was a child of the 50s in Maine, Timbukto symbolized the most remote destination on this Earth, although Bob Hope and Bing Crosby never made a ‘road movie’ to there. One day during geography class my teacher at Pine Grove Primary School in Falmouth Foresides traced her finger across the world map to […]

Dawn Davenport – Cha Cha Heels for Christmas – Divine / John Waters

Nothing says a shitty Christmas better than Divine’s tirade in John Waters FEMALE TROUBLE. TO WATCH THIS SCENE, PLEASE GO TO THE FOLLOWING URL: