Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Diet Of Fools

My mother thought that you weren’t really sick unless there was blood. Aches, fevers, and high temperatures were normal occurrences for children and I didn’t miss a day of school from 1959 to 1966, despite twice suffering from extreme cases of poison ivy. If she was in charge of Health Care in America, the budget […]

Trash in Space

My friend Eddie Mickie weighed more than 300 pounds. He was the only fat person in Bethpage. Everyone else was thin. The year was 1971. Eddie was so heavy that his weight bend the frame of his Harley. Obsessed by space Eddie lost a third of his mass so he could take a glider flight. […]

NASA Pai Ban

President Eisenhower created NASA in 1958 with the help of Nazi scientist Werner Braun. The Free World had to be defended by Free Space. Missiles, rockets, satellites shuttles soared into orbit with the aim of exploring the heavens. Sadly funds to NASA have been cut dramatically in the 21st Century, as the GOP and America […]

The Nana Hotel

Directly across from Bangkok’s Nana Plaza is the eternal Nana Hotel. This caravansary has been servicing the happy ending needs of travelers since the 60s. I first stayed there in 1991. Nothing much has changed in that time. Men check in with women half their age. The desk clerks smiled without asking for IDs. They […]

Listen To Jessie

There are too many fat people in America. Our 330 million outweigh the 1.3 billion of China and throw in Mongolia to help balance the scale. None of these obese Americans take responsibility for their fatness. My sister-in-law claimed, “It’s in my genes.” Her mother was skinny. I blame her plumpitude on what’s in her […]