Tag Archives: jocko weyland

SailVan on the Gowanus

Macro-Sea Pools Presents: Sunset Scavenger, The Last Free Ride, and Others by Bill Daniel Film tramp Bill Daniel (maker of the rail graffiti cult documentary film Who is Bozo Texino? and punk photographer extraordinaire) will be rolling into town to present a video screening on the Sailvan—a van rigged with two full sails that is […]

The Power of Punk

Time-Warner combined with Internet powerhouse AOL in 2001. This merger was supposed to signal the advent of a new era. Few media wizards foresaw the Bush regime’s rejection of new technology and the promise of this marriage between old and new communication systems resulted in a dead-loss for Time-Warner. AOL became worthless. Bank notes were […]

The Truth About Whores

“Beware of whores that don’t want money. The Hell they don’t. What they mean is that they want more money.” William Burroughs. I miss seeing William Burroughs shambling through Grand Central Station in the late afternoon. I miss junkies too. The other night I was at Elk Gallery on Crosby Street. Jocko Weyland was curating […]

Behind the Green Curtain redux by Jocko Weyland

Jocko Weyland left the USA for the Orient. The reasons for this departure are his own and so his choice of Beijing. My prerequisites for a place to live are good food, warm weather, and beautiful women. Guess I’m shallow as an evaporation stain on an Arizona Highway. Jocko went for a world-class intellectual city, however […]