Category Archives: Humor

White Men Redux

The 15th Amendment to the Constitution guaranteed the civil equality to black ex-slaves and the GOP has promised to honor their privilege, but the Republicans remain true to the immortal words of Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture, who explained why the party of Lincoln was short on blacks. “I’ll tell you what the coloreds want. It’s […]

Premature E-Jack-O-Lantern

What do you call celebrating Halloween before October 31st? Premature E-Jack-O-Lantern my younger brother Patrick Anthony Smith told me that joke last week. It works.

Yom Kippur Ahead

A priest and a rabbi are discussing the pros and cons of their various religions, and inevitably the discussion turns to repentance. Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel explains Yom Kippur, the solemn Day of Atonement, a day of fasting and penitence, while the Father John tells him all about Lent, and its 40 days of self-denial […]

Stealing the Shofar

Joseph, a deeply religious man, went to his temple for Rosh Hashanah and forgot his prayer shawl [Tallit], so he borrowed one from “the rack” by the door. At the end of the service, he realised that he really liked this Tallit so much so that he actually decided to stuff it down the front […]

CLOCHEMERLE by Gabriel Chevallier

In 1994 I was stranded in Penang, Malaysia. I had gone to the Malacca Straits city to rendezvous with Sam Royalle to film my trip down to Singapore and off the Sumatra, however my friend was stuck in London. “Sorry, mate, no money.” “No worries.” Indeed, I was stranded in Asia. My sick travel companion […]