Tag Archives: water

Songkran Sanuk – 2000

The Songkran celebration ushers in the Thai New Year as well as the coming of the rains to endy the hot season. The 2000 festival has been focused on Wan Parg-bpee April 14, when homage was to be paid to ancestors, elders and other persons deserving respect, because of age or position. Traditionally younger people […]

Songkran Driving

Nothing says Songkran better in Thailand than getting into an accident with a drunk, as revealed in this series of email dated from 2006. EMAIL from the Old Roue April 4 after I invited him to join me on a trip to Phnom Penh to escape the Songkran madness. His reply. No thanx, I’m driving […]

Golden Showers in Space

Somehow Shirley Bassey the singer of GOLDFINGER earned the reputation for loving golden showers. Supposedly drinking piss was good for her voice. NASA has lent this myth credence by installing a water-recycling system to cleanse the the astronauts’ urine for drinking another time. “We did blind taste tests of the water,” said NASA’s Bob Bagdigian, […]