Tag Archives: syria

Why? Aylan. Why?

Damascus has been continuous occupied for over five thousand years. The lands around Syria have supported innumerable civilizations throughout the millenia. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire Greater Syria was mandated under French control and at the end of World War II France granted the ancient lands freedom. Most of its following history has […]

The Order Of St. Tranny

My friends accuse rt.com of anti-American bias. I don’t blame them. They have reporters reporting reportages, instead of talking heads reading words from a teleprompter in front of a blue screen, however I had to admit that RT has a pro-Russian slant on Syria. Since the Cold War the Assad regime had been supplied with […]

Beautiful Weekend

The sun is shining on Fort Greene. The sidewalks are crowded with young people. The bars are serving drinks to football fans. There is not a cloud in the sky. New York is at peace. Syria is at war. cnn.news headlined ‘Men sprawled on a tile floor, shirtless and convulsing. Children, too, seemingly unable to […]

Heads Or Tails

Koln was devastated in World War II. The US Army Air Force stated that the bombardiers avoided hitting the famous medieval cathedral. In truth they used the stone church for a point of reference and the cathedral was struck on many occasions. The massive structure only remained standing thanks to the workmanship of Middle Age […]