Tag Archives: global warming

DIY Proof Of Global Warming’s Danger

The Earth is a finite planet. Global denialists argue that Man’s greed has endangered our existence. I ask them to take a simple DIY test Go to your garage and close the door. Start your car. Put on your favorite tune. Twenty minutes later you are dead. The proof. DIY. All Global denialists should take […]

Global Warming Warning On The River Kwai

Recently my wife daughter dog and I toured the River Kwai. The  deforested mountains were sported plumes of smoke from where  farmers were burning the slopes to cut back vegetation for orchards. When I mentioned this violation to the rangers at the forestry station, they shrugged with ineffectiveness. “Mai mi alai samlat yut fi mai.” They had no way […]

Proof Of Global Warming

The recent heat wave in the USA has not stopped the global warming denialists’ campaign of refuting science. I suspect many had failed the subject in high school. I responded to their fervent rejection of reason with the following logic. “Global warming is caused by Man’s not reading the bible. More sinners go to hell […]

Au Revoir Paris

The Mendenhall Glacier outside of Juneau was called the Sitaantaago by the local Tglinit tribes. The fifteen mile-long ice mass is located 12 miles from my house here. The bus can get me there in thirty minutes, although a tramp of 3-4 hours is required to reach the western glacier. A week ago I hiked […]

Texas Blizzard

Two days ago I was stunned to see trees budding in Boston Commons, although understandable since this December has been strangely warm. Temperatures have risen into the 60s and are expected to remain in the 50s. Flowers are budding throughout the North East, but the National Weather Service has forecasted an extraordinarily fierce snowstorm to […]