Tag Archives: election 2012

Five More Years

Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign has been beleaguered by calls for the candidate to release his tax returns for the last ten years, especially from Senator Harry Reid, who has claimed the Romney paid no taxes for most of the last decade. The ex-governor of Massachusetts has given out his 2010 information, which shows that he […]

Red Hate Blue

After two months away in Thailand I’m rapidly re-introducing the chasm between Americans. The rift has many origins, however it’s an election year and the opposing camps are staking claims on the high and low grounds. The complete lack of humor is frightening. None of them can take a joke as witnessed in the following […]

Rejoice Ryan Cometh

GOP candidate Mitt Romney announced his running mate this weekend and arch-conservatives hailed the Massachusetts ex-governor’s choice of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan. The media touted the decision as bold gambit in the bid for the White House, while pundits cautioned that the Vice-Presidential candidate’s unyielding commitment to fiscal austerity, privatization of Medicare, revisionist views on […]