Tag Archives: australia

This Train Is Fucked

It’s good to know that the fellow Anglo-Saxons from the Antipodes are fuck-ups too when it comes to trains. ‘THIS TRAIN IS FUCKED’. Calling it as we see it, mate. Waltz Mathilda Alright.

Great Barrier Wasteland

Australia is a huge island with tremendous mineral deposits and proximity to China. Miners work triple-shifts in the Western Desert to satisfy the power demands of Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Geologists recently discovered a vast Queensland coalfield in Eastern Australia and the country’s Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Water has announced an impending […]

Shut Your Hole

The quote “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” or “Let them eat cake” has been wrongly attributed to Marie Antoinette to highlight the contempt of the aristocracy or upper classes for the poor, however the phrase iriginating from Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s CONFESSIONS didn’t prevent the mob from taking their vengeance on the Bourbon queen and today Asia’s […]

Drunk for Australia

An Australian man mourned a dead friend by drinking himself into a stupor. His friends dropped him at his house and he staggered several feet before collapsing on the lawn. A neighbor took a photo which ended up on out Google’s StreetView website as DRUNK GUY. “I’m not too happy about it.” The drunk Aussie […]