Category Archives: disaster

Moi Pendant Les Temps de le Peste

In 1947 Gailliard published Albert Camus’ LE PESTE or THE PLAGUE. The novel tells a tale of the Bubonic Plague hitting the Moroccan city of Oran. The citizens first notice dead rats in the streets and then people exponentially succumbed to the deadly epidemic. The Prefect at first slow to understand the enormity of the […]

UnSanta Con

For decades St. Patrick’s Day ruled the ethnic holidays for least loved by New Yorkers. Puerto Rican Day ran a distant unrivaled second, until Santa.con was celebrated by drunken men in Santa outfits. At first the gatherings were small, but in 2012 30,000 Santas rampaged through New York and the people of that city learned […]

MH370 Flight Terminus / The Southern Ocean

The Roaring 40s roiled the Southern Ocean’s landless expanse between Africa’s Cape of Good Hope and the western coast of Australia. While the prevailing westerly winds aided sailing ships on the long voyage to Asia, eddies calve from the predominant current to create the most complicated ocean system on the planet and sadly authorities have […]