The Freedom of No Speech

Moses led his people out of Egypt without a map. The distance from the Nile to Palestine was a ten day walk, yet the prophet wandered through the eastern deserts for forty years. Like all men he wasn’t willing to admit that he was fucking lost and neither are the Zionists of the occupied territories who have most recently declared that their seized lands are Jewish and that they also know how to identify a Jew like Josef Mengele the SS doctor.

“Jews to the right. Arabs to Gaza.”

A facebook ‘friend’ posted a video from the Israeli Ambassador showing the normalcy of life in Gaza. Glittering buildings, vibrant street life, food in the groceries, and cars on the roads. I posted a riposte, “Welcome to the gulag of Gaza.”

She defriended me for this comment, for like most people living a lie they do not want to see the truth.

Free Palestine.

As for Giselle, you are a hypocrite.

Here is the real story;

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