Mandingo Lives in South Carolina

Two weeks ago Alvin Greene was a black man from nowhere. South Carolina Democrats voted this previously unknown native son to contest the GOP for the US Senate seat. His opponent in the race offered his congratulations. It wasn’t until the day after that party officials asked how an unemployed man could garner 59% of the turnout.

No campaigning. No yard signs. No TV appearances. No debate.

The party honchos also questioned where Alvin Greene came up with the $10,000 filing fee to run in the race. A quick examination of their candidate revealed Alvin Greene was living with his father. They called him ‘homeless’. Accusations of sexual misbehavior also accompanied the investigation. After all this was South Carolina’s first black man to run for the Senate.

The newspapers suggested a GOP scam.

In South Carolina registered voters do not have to declare their party allegiance.

Voting preference is decided at the ballot.

However it is not the GOP who is lynching this decorated war veteran and graduate of the University of South Carolina. The Democratic Party HQ are like a prom queen waking up in bed with Mandingo. His living with his father has been colored as a portrait of a homeless man rather than a loving son taking care of his father. An involuntary discharge for health reasons further tars a reputation tarnished by a November 2009 obscenity arrest.

“Let’s go to your room.”

These words were said to a SC coed.

She was white.

He is black.

Some party officials suggest that blacks voters to him since his name is similar to Al Green the famed soul singer.

“I hope he will see the wisdom of leaving the race.”

The party faithful could only pray that Mr. Greene would resign, however he has refused to bow out of the race. He is a black man running for the Senate. No black man has ever been elected to that position since Reconstruction.

His politics are moderate. His campaign frugal.

No one has yet to say the n-word.

Even South Carolina knows better than that.

Black man. Unemployed. Homeless.

Sounds like he might know what is wrong with the picture.

Al Greene.

Take me to the river.

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