Journal Entry – November 11, 1995 – New Delhi

The Aeroflot flight from Moscow must have arrived for crowds of badly-dressed Russians throng through the market buying cheap clothing to sell for a tidy profit back in the ex-Soviet Union. Finding large clothing isn’t easy, but the Indian merchants of the cheap tourist hotel district know their market. It is now apparent from the swift collapse of the USSR that the CIA lied about Communist’s hold on their regime, although the Russians freed Europe from the Nazis.

Throughout my stay in New Delhi Indians have asked why the USA sold F-16s to their subcontinental adversery Pakistan and I said, “The Pentagon does not win wars which are used to grind profit fromcivilians and solidiers to earn profit for the military-industrial complex.

No one mentioned Armistice Day.

The War to End All Wars.

I walked to the train station and bought a one-way ticket to Goa.

Peace reigned there.

Hippies love peace.

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