Tag Archives: sin

IMPURE AT HEART by Peter Nolan Smith

In the early 60s the nuns of Our Lady of the Foothills taught their students that our sins were punished in the burning fires of Hell, until then Mother Superior subjected the palms of potential heretics and religious backsliders to a cane. Whisperers and jesters suffered the yardstick. All of her victims were boys, for […]

Times Square Babylon Then

Rent boys. Hookers on the Strip. Flesh peddlers. Martinis at Hojos.

Pagan Solstice

Six years ago I woke at 3:33 am. I remembered reading in the New York Times that there would be a lunar eclipse. The first to occur on the winter solstice in over 400 years. I looked out the window and saw the shadowed moon. A sliver of silver atop the Earth’s satellite. I stripped […]

Oh Poor Babylon

This month I’ve had a number of opportunities to pass through Times Square. Each time I’m shocked by the gross commercialization of an infamous sex entrepot. Go-Go bars have been replaced by Starbucks. Old movie theaters are shopping malls for uniform fashion and tawdry clip joints have been replaced by mainstream eateries serving GMO food. […]