Tag Archives: president

Goodbye Good, Hello The Donald

Barack Obama has been president for the last eight years. Today he walked out of the White House to resume his life as an ordinary citizen of the USA and hours later the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. The new leader of […]

Jessie Ventura 2016


Those pundits weren’t too embarrassed by their calls for a close race. To see Jon Stewart’s take on their wisdom and the elation of marijuana legalization in two states, please go to the following URL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/08/jon-stewart-mocks-fox-news-marijuana-legalization-video_n_2099896.html

Listen To Jessie

There are too many fat people in America. Our 330 million outweigh the 1.3 billion of China and throw in Mongolia to help balance the scale. None of these obese Americans take responsibility for their fatness. My sister-in-law claimed, “It’s in my genes.” Her mother was skinny. I blame her plumpitude on what’s in her […]

State of the Union Speech 2012

My prediction for Obama’s speech this evening is that there will be no announcements about the legalization of marijuana or a ban on torture or an immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan or the outlawing of potato chips and fast food. The President will instead try to rally the nation around the idea that our eyes have […]