Tag Archives: petersburg

Homo Scan

In April of 2009 Johnny Zombie from Palm Beach sent me to Russia to speak with his customers about their non-payment for merchandise. My friends in New York thought that these Russki ‘businessmen’ would kill me, but I had a band member from Aquarium for my companion. Everyone loved that band. Seve dropped at the […]

Heading To Virginia

Last Thursday I headed south to Virginia. I was marrying Paige and Stephen. In Richmond. The bus ran at 70 through New Jersey. It was a boring ride. I hate Bruce. I hate THE SOPRANOS. I hate the Jersey Shore. I fell asleep. I woke up at the Delaware River. I went back to sleep […]

The Battle of the Crater

On July 30, 1864 Union miners lit a massive bomb underneath Confederate lines defending the transportation center, Petersburg. The mine of 320 kegs of gunpowder comprised of 8,000 pounds and were buried twenty feet below the trenches. The explosion killed several hundred Southern troops and wounded many more, however the Union attack was delayed, giving […]

Bye Bye Barbara

Yesterday I received an email informing me of Ms. Carolina’s demise. I went to the water temple in Sri Racha to pray for my good friend Barbara’s safe passage. We had seen the world together. My three year-old son and I bought some fish to release into the sea for good luck. They swam away […]

Petrograd Rules of Conduct

Three days ago I was walking through the Peter and Paul fortress along the River Neva. This Czarist bastion is demilitarized these days, however it still exists as a land of rules and regulations judging from the sign above. Most of these tourist hieroglyphics are decipherable. https://www.mangozeen.com/2008/02/03/asia/whats-in-a-name-siam-or-thailand.htm