Tag Archives: oklahoma

Elephants on Acid

What happens if you give an elephant LSD? On Friday August 3, 1962, a group of Oklahoma City researchers decided to find out the what. Warren Thomas, Director of the City Zoo, fired a cartridge-syringe containing 297 milligrams of LSD into Tusko the Elephant’s rump. With Thomas were two scientific colleagues from the University of […]

THE LIGHT OF THE MOON by Peter Nolan Smith

Sundays belonged to the Lord in Tulsa. Numerous church bells rang from nearby steeples. Sean pulled the pillow over his head. A knock sounded on the door. “Don’t say anything,” whispered AK. He liked sleeping late, but free rooms had their price. The next knock was more forceful. “You boys awake?” The voice belonged to […]

On His Knees

James Inhofe has long been the GOP’s leading critic on global warming. His faith has convinced him that Man is incapable of altering his God’s plan for Earth. As late as July 2010 the Oklahoma senator stated, “I don’t think that anyone disagrees with the fact that we actually are in a cold period that […]

Helter Swelter

The July night sky is clear over New York City. The evening temperature is 78 Fahrenheit. A weatherman called conditions ‘pleasant’. Tomorrow the sun will warm the day to 87F. Sunday the same and Monday 89F. Hot, but not brutal like Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Those three states are in the grips of an oppressing […]

Fat Guys in Prison

I’ve spent an hour in Pattaya jail awaiting trial for a civil suit. I ordered khao-gai for the jailers. As much as I wanted. From what I heard from those unfortunates incarcerated for longer periods than 60 minutes, the diet in Thai prisons is very lean. Rice and more rice but never enough, which would […]