Tag Archives: marijuana

THE INHALE OF WEED by Peter Nolan Smith

Marijuana was demonized throughout my youth. The Boston police treated reefer smokers as harshly as junkies. John Sinclair, the MC5’s radical spokesperson, was sentenced to ten years of prison for the crime of ‘giving’ an undercover agent two joints. The severity of his punishment did not deter the millions of marijuana smokers of the 60s […]

Ohio Getaway

Pot costs about $800 a pound in California and several years ago two boys from Duchess County New York decided to drive cross-country, score ten pounds, and drive back with the weed to sell OZs at $80. Neither Mike not Earl could remember a big bust in their hometown for ages. The cops were old […]

Safer Than Peanuts

legalization, marijuana, governor chrystie, causes of death The top 15 causes of death in the USA are the following according to worldlifeexpectancy.com ( I have added the major causes of these top causes of death based on my hunches and not scientific fact); 1. Heart Disease (obesity and tobacco) 2. Cancer (tobacco, pollution, stress, and […]


Those pundits weren’t too embarrassed by their calls for a close race. To see Jon Stewart’s take on their wisdom and the elation of marijuana legalization in two states, please go to the following URL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/08/jon-stewart-mocks-fox-news-marijuana-legalization-video_n_2099896.html

MIstaken Identity

Mexico’s war on drugs has claimed over 55,000 lives in the past six years of President Calderon’s rule. The police and army have been corrupted by traffickers shipping cocaine and marijuana to the USA. Last week officials claimed to have arrested the son of a notorious drug lord. The DEA were quick to congratulate the […]