Tag Archives: in vino veritas

In Vino Veritas or Oblivio

From 1847 to her death in 1901 Queen Victoria had ruled the British Empire from Osbourne House on the Isle of Wight. Prince Albert, her consort, had designed the royal residence with the aid of Thomas Cubitt, the London architect. Once finished the Italian Renaissance palazzo on the Solent Osbourne House served as a refuge […]

First Glass of Wine 2011

My New Year’s Eve of 2011 ended with a glass of Johnny Walker Black in my hand at the first floor of the Fort Greene Observatory. I had one sip and chucked the rest in the sink. It was 5am and I was glad that the winter night possessed another hour before the dawn. The […]

The Search for Meaninglessness

I miss you all very much and almost everyone else in the world. Today I physically spoke with three people. The most important was my liquor store owner, Mr. Lee, but not to worry since most of my solitary existence has been devoted to the study of meaninglessness. In vino veritas – Pliny the Elder […]