Tag Archives: hurricane sandy

Flotsam From The Flood

According to Wikipedia flotsam is floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo. Jetsam is part of a ship, its equipment, or its cargo that is purposefully cast overboard or jettisoned to lighten the load in time of distress and that sinks or is washed ashore. Lagan is cargo that is lying on the bottom […]

The Forgotten Borough

Two weeks ago I ferried across the lower harbor to Staten Island. My college friend Nick had invited me to watch the Jets versus the Patriots at his house on Lighthouse Hill. We have a lovely day drinking wine, eating homemade Italian food, and even better the Pats beat the Jets. Nick drove me down […]

Let There Be Internet

The last two days the internet was cut to the Fort Greene Observatory. Service was restored this evening, but every gas station in the city is without gas. One of my neighbors is trying to drive fourteen miles to New Jersey. His gas meter says that the tank holds eighteen miles of petrol. I wished […]

Crazy Gay Climate Changers

hurricane sandy, religious right, john McTernan Bible analyst John McTernan has proclaimed, “Just last August, Hurricane Isaac hit New Orleans seven years later, on the exact day of Hurricane Katrina. Both hit during the week of the homosexual event called Southern Decadence in New Orleans!” Strangely, both also hit at the height of hurricane season. […]

We Deliver

The US Post Office motto of ‘Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds’ was lifted from Herodotus’ account of the Persian Empire’s postal system of horse relays ‘It is said that as many days as there are in the whole journey, […]