Tag Archives: hoops

THE DUKE OF ROCK by Peter Nolan Smith

Published on 5/2/2010 I don’t own a television. My laptop provided most of the programming necessary for entertainment, although the online screen resembles that of an airline economy-class movie presentation. The only gap on my computer has been sporting events and I fill that absence by heading down to Frank’s Bar on Fulton Avenue. Last […]

HANDS OF BRICK by Peter Nolan Smith

Every high tide deposited beer bottles, oil containers, fishing lines, shiny candy wrappers, and plastic bags onto the sloping shoreline of Jomtien Beach. At low tide I harvested the trash into sea-worn rice bags. Within a half-hour the sand was devoid of any human refuse and I smugly regarded the pristine strand with pride. While […]

HANDS OF BRICK by Peter Nolan Smith

Hockey and baseball have long been New England’s two favorite sports, since they offered outdoor entertainment to young boys in the seaons of good sledding and bad sledding. Our gods played in Fenway Park and the Boston Garden, but one night a radio announcer’s raspy voice introduced the world of basketball and Johnny Most sunk […]

Beat By The Old Age Truck

New York’s newspapers reported that this January was the warmest January on record, but I can’t recall a single day since early December with the temperature out of the 30s. Yesterday the thermometer hit 45 and I picked up the telephone to call Shannon. “You want to shot some ball at deKalb.” The playground was […]