Tag Archives: floods

Loch Ness Monster A Ile St. Louis

The Seine has been in flood for two weeks. The water reached twenty feet above the normal flow level. Back in 1984 the Seine rose to inundate the rapid quais. Thankfully the waters receded then and now. But I’d love to see IM Pei’s pyramid underwater like that Tom Cruise movie EDGE OF TOMORROW. The […]

The River Is Wide

In August I took my daughter Angie to the highest point in Thailand. Doi Inthaton was wraithed by fog and I lent her my jacket, even though I had bought her a bright pink poncho in Chiang Mai. She liked anything to do with me. Angie is my daughter. She and I climbed to the […]

Good Swede Bad Thai

Foreign embassies have been issuing warnings to their nationals about possible upheaval sparked by the demi-seizure of ex-PM Thaksin’s wealth. Last night Mem asked if I wanted the airport closed by the yellow shirts. “No.” I had plans to visit or possibly stay in Thailand. EDT – march 2010. “If airport how you come see […]

Bangkok 2050

Back in 2009 2bangkok.com published a map showing the coastal change along the Gulf of Siam should the sea rise by several meters. Bangkok would vanish, as would most of the surrounding lowlands. Ang Thong now 150 klicks from the sea would be a beach resort. So start investing up north. We will be creating […]