Tag Archives: cops

5th Commandment in Pattaya

Last night a major player was assasinated in Pattaya. The city official from a neighboring town was driving his Isuzu pick-up. The killers a cheap bike. Two bullets broke the window and stole the man’s life. Two clicks of the fingers. I heard about the murder from two off-duty cops. They murmured the urban official was involved in […]


Back in the summer of 2008 I was taking care of a Palm Beach mansion. It was deep off-season and hurricane season was coming on fast. One evening I went over to my friend’s house close to the center on town. After dinner Lisa killed me at scrabble. She scored 33 points for xi, which […]

Trawling For Cops

How do you keep from getting a parking ticket? Leave a donut on the top of your car with a note that says “It’s jelly!”

Go Civic Go

In 1982 I drove a VW Golf GTI from Paris to Bruxelles Aeroport. My mission was to pick up Valdmar, a New York DJ. He was going to spin records at the Rex Club for the magazine Actuel. On the way I noticed Benzs and BMWs cruising at 180 KPH or 100 mph and decided […]

Brooklyn’s Finest

Antoine Fuqua portrays his Brooklyn as a commune of drug dealing brothers and free-gunning cops. A scary city where people get shot all the time and it is that type of city. My friend Vladmar’s cousin was murdered two blocks away from my present residence in Fort Greene. Capped by a local thug. For what […]