Tag Archives: condoms

Safe Sex In Pattaya

On my first visit to Pattaya in 1991 I went to the Marine Disco and picked up a girl. We had sex. More than once. Nothing bad happened. She didn’t get pregnant. I didn’t contract an STD (sexually transmitted disease) and we didn’t get married. We were lucky, since I hadn’t been wearing a condom. […]

Burning Rubber

“In the beginning…” are the first three words in Genesis. The words in modern times have been hijacked for a Byrds LP, a Genesis album, an episode of the sci-fi TV show BABYLON 5, and songs by the Moody Blues and Mötley Crüe. The Old Testament opening continues to say, “God created the heavens and […]

Vatican Tells Cambodia To Go Bareback

The American-based Roman Catholic activist pro-life organization Human Life International has declared the failure of an American aid effort in Cambodia aimed at decreasing the Aids infection rate though the distribution of ‘rubbers’. The criticism is harsh at best. “These programs, according to the promoters, would have had to stop AIDS, but instead encouraged its […]