Tag Archives: basketball

Obama and Bernie Rule

Barack Obama appeared for a Biden rally and hit 3-pointers. In 2016 Senator Bernie Sanders dropped mid-range jumpers without missing a shot. After a hurricane struck Puerto Rico Donald Trump showed his prowess at flinging toilet paper. Donald is also an expert of sharting in his trousers. Wanker. FDT. DT is so uncool.

Cool Versus Uncool

Barack Obama appeared for a Biden rally and hit 3-pointers. In 2016 Senator Bernie Sanders dropped mid-range jumpers without missing a shot. After a hurricane struck Puerto Rico Donald Trump showed his prowess at flinging toilet paper. Donald is also an expert of sharting in his trousers. Wanker. FDT. DT is so uncool.

Isla Mujeres B-Ball 1988

In 1988 a hurricane had savagely struck the Yucatan. Ships crowded the streets of Isla Mujeres across from the basketball court, where me and la Mayans played against the Italian National Women’s under-21 team. A crowd gathered. My short comrades and I shook their hand and we vowed to play them like gentlemen. The first […]

No D Obama

The white media in America has suggested that the GOP landslide was a repudiation of the President. ISIS, Ebola, teenage immigrants, gay marriage, and global warming taxed the brains of overworked and underpaid white males who only have time to watch Fox News before they crash into their beds in a Bud Lite beer haze. […]

HANDS OF BRICK by Peter Nolan Smith on Kindle

HANDS OF BRICK a a three-story collection of the game of hoops. Hockey and baseball have long been New England’s two favorite sports, since they offered outdoor entertainment to young boys in the seasons of good sledding and bad sledding. Our gods played in Fenway Park and the Boston Garden, but one night a radio […]