Tag Archives: barack obama

No D Obama

The white media in America has suggested that the GOP landslide was a repudiation of the President. ISIS, Ebola, teenage immigrants, gay marriage, and global warming taxed the brains of overworked and underpaid white males who only have time to watch Fox News before they crash into their beds in a Bud Lite beer haze. […]

Drone Clone

9/11 gave the USA the moral right to wage a never-ending war of terrorism around the globe. The Pentagon has fought wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The CIA has abducted potential threats and renditioned them to torture palaces in Poland, Syria, Thailand, and Egypt with the aid of our allies. President Barack Obama came to […]

Air Command Mentality

President Obama supported the drone war in his State of the Union Speech. A vast majority of American public back the continuation of GW Bush’s air attacks against reputed Islamic militants in Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan to prevent another 9/11, despite the collateral civilian killings and the fact that the White House has condoned the […]

Hail To The Chief

My Man. President again. Yesterday I tried to name all the presidents. I got George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, Willima Harrison, Andrew Jackson, John Tyler, Zachery Taylor, Millard Fillmore, James Buchanon, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysess S Grant, Rutherford Hayes, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, […]

Fox News Shutdown

Today the Borowitz Report announced that Fox News Channel would shut down for what it called “routine maintenance” Monday morning at 11:30 E.T. Fox News president Roger Ailes explained the timing of the shutdown, which will be the first in the history of the network: “We wanted to pick a time when we were positive […]