Tag Archives: anarchy

May Day

May Day 2011 and I’m sitting in a Tokyo Airport bound for Bangkok. A two week unpaid holiday, since Manny decided to stiff my vacation pay. The 82 year-old diamond dealer said, “I gave one week in January.” “You gave me butkis then.” I was a math major in college. “I remember one week.” “Because […]

90% of Possession

When I lost my Davy Crockett cap in the late 50s, my Irish Nana told me in a stern voice, “If you lose something, then it wasn’t yours to begin with.” Over my lifetime I’ve lost money, cameras, glasses, wallets, keys, apartment, girlfriends, cars, houses, clothing, friends, family et al. Possession is not permanent. Tempus […]

No Government. No Taxes

Spend your money on fun. foto by gwen o’neill