Category Archives: media

2000 Plus

Tonight Texas is playing Tennessee for a berth in the Little League World Series. The crowd at Willamsport, PA is about 5000. I was watching the game this evening with my landlord’s two kids. The score was 0-0 in the 2nd inning. ESPN showed happy faces eating hot dogs and slupring slush. There was no […]

I See London. I See France

The eyes of the world are on the London Olympics and the athletes are under the scrutiny of the largest gathering of journalist and TV reporters ever assembled in the history of the world and while the games are about the excellence of sports, the media seeks to capitalize on even the smallest items to […]

Dark Chocolate City

The funk group Parliament released CHOCOLATE CITY in 1975 to celebrate the racial minority becoming the majority in major cities across America such as Washington, D.C., Newark, New Jersey, Gary, Indiana, Los Angeles, California, Atlanta, Georgia, and New York, New York. In recent years their majority has been challenged not a whites will rise again […]

Freedom Of No Speech

The 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights sought to guarantee that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers” The First Amendment to the US Constitution protects Freedom […]

Headlines of Pattaya

City officials are constantly announcing clean-ups of Pattaya. Drug busts, gambling raids, crackdowns on bars, and arrests of criminal farangs have garnered the local headlines for years without progress, mostly the small timers are inspired by the truly majestic demeanor of the corrupt elite lining their pockets with kickbacks, bribes, and illegal take-overs. Decent Thais […]