Category Archives: gambling

Bummed By The Sopranos

Last month AP my landlord informed me that I could watch HBO on my iPad. “What would you suggest?” I hadn’t watched American TV in ten years. “A good place to start would be THE SOPRANOS.” The cable series about a New Jersey mafia family had been a success for HBO. Wikipedia called it the […]

Thai Police Dthok Jai

Last week the Thai internet was flooded by photos of naked women rolling dice in what appeared to be a Thai casino. No one knows where this paradise of earth is, but the Thai police are searching for the guilty with their usual diligence. In the meanwhile Bangkok Deputy PC doubted in the photos were […]

“Shocked” / CASABLANCA

21 in Reno

My 21st birthday was spent driving across Nevada with Andy, a pot-smoking pianist, and Carole, a blonde co-ed heading to the West Coast. We had made good time in the rent-away station wagon up to this point and I decided to celebrate my coming of age by gambling at every desert town along I-80. Elko, […]