The Presence Of Neanderthals

Modern human anthropologists estimate that Homo Neanderthalensis existed from 300,000 BN or Before Now until extinction by extermination by genocide by Homo Sapiens, climate change, or disease around 30,000 BN, however the Neanderthal gene remained intact across the present-day Northern Hemisphere with approximately 1–4% of genomes of Eurasians, Oceanians, Native Americans, and North Africans from my ancestors. from Neanderthals and about 20% of distinctly Neanderthal genes survive today according to Wikipedia.

Throughout the previous two centures Neanderthals were portrayed by human elitists as grunting apelike cave dwellers with little to offer the emerging homo sapiens, however more recent examination of the two species have suggested the Neanderthals and humans shared a common desire for sex and love based on the Neanderthals’ greater hunting skills and sense of humor.

The racist portrayals of the 20th Century highlighted Man’s need to feel superior to the Neanderthal.

Neanderthals supposedly cosnsidered men and women equals thanks to a predominantly meatless diet.

Humans were too lazy to harvest crops.

Neanderthals also bred with Denisovanians.

They were good lovers and faithful mates unlike the First Men constantly bloodied by battles for hunting grounds.

Especially the women, who wanted nothing from human males, who never have forgiven the betrayal of their women.

We are not gone.

We still roam the planet.

Lost to our people.

Long live the Neanderthal.

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