18-Foot Waves

In 2009 Hurricane Bill aimed its fury at the East Coast. Weatherologists predicted a massive tidal surge from the possible category 4 storm and warned of 15-18 foot waves along the coast. Surfers were ecstatic with this possibility of big-time swells, but I recalled the ‘Perfect Storm’ of October 1991, when the wind-driven tides pushed the sea up the East River to flood the FDR Drive. Commuters initially ignored the warning of the police and drove onto the inundated motorway with blind purpose of lemmings.

Scores of cars were washed away by the waves.

Thankfully no one drowned in the surge.

At the height of the Bill’s rage Rock Temerian and I went out to Lido Beach. The ocean stretched to the horizon as acres and acres of unbridled hell. Houses floated past in the surf. A monster wave thudded onto the sand with the weight of a million whales. We looked at each other and shook our heads.

A couple of other surfers gazed on raging sea and shook their heads.

We were all of the same mind and Rick said, “Looks like we’re landlubbers.”

“You got that right.”

We returned to the station wagon for the drive back to the East Village.

It was safe there.

At least from the Perfect Storm.

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