Not Again Not Ever

The KKK was founded by Southern white supremacists after the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865. Armed bands of ex-soldiers roamed the night to terrorize freed slaves and elected former CSA General Nathan Forrest was elected Grand Dragon of the racist organization. Thousands of blacks were killed during this first reign of terror and the election of 1868 was a disaster for anyone not voting the Klan line. Under orders from President Grant the federal government and northern veterans attacked Klan members through the law and violence. By the mid-1870s the Klan faded from the political stage, but thebklavens were merely hiding in the shadows.

DW Griffith’s BIRTH OF A NATION rekindled The KKK, especially since KKK President Wilson supported the film as well as the movement to fight black progress and the threat of communism. In 1921 over a quarter-million KKK members marched in Washington, a predominantly black city. Some protestant churches refused to back the Klan, but Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Warren Harding were also Klan members.

The KKK avowed that the South had not lost the War and their battle cry was ‘The South shall rise again.’
Like blacks whites from the South migrated north.

And the nation was ruled by racism.
<>From the shadows of night and the halls of justice.

The burning cross.

Their popularity diminished in the 1920s and membership drastically dropped from 6,000,000 to 30,000 after Grand Dragon D. C. Stephenson was convicted of rape and murder of his secretary Madge Oberholtzer in 1925.

The KKK never went extinct.

They hated blacks, jews, hippies, unionists, Catholics, socialists, spics, foreigners, gays, lesbians, TVs, Asians et al.

Hate was their drug.

Even President Harry Truman was a member. The KKK wasn’t for everyone, however in the last decades the KKK have bonded with the Nazis and White Supremacists to create a united front.

Their ranks have been swelling in resistance to the tearing down of Confederate statues.

History shall not be replaced.

Blood and soil.

On August 11-12, 1917 ACCORDING TO Wikipediahundreds of members of the neo-Confederates, fascists, white nationalists, Nazis, KKKlansmen, and far-right militias. gather in Charlottesville VA to protest the removal of Confederate slaver Robert E. Lee’s statue.

They shouted racist slogans and the police stood doing nothing.

Some were KKK members too.

The violence escalated.

The Nazis marched at night under torch light.

And their leader gives them the green light.

One dead and a score wounded in the battle.

Many of the Nazis wore Donald Trump’s golf outfit.

None of them were as fat as Fatso Trump, who said, “… .. you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group … that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

A Nazi through and through.

And they have no rights in America.

None at all.

ps Trump’s granddragon father was arrested at a Klan rally in 1927. The KKK RUNS IN HIS BLOOD. NEVER AGAIN 2016

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