Jesus’ Tomb – 2013

“What is Jerusalem worth?” the knight at the end of KINGDOM OF GOD asks Saladin, the leader of the Muslim army. 

“Nothing.” Saladin answered and walked away, then turns and says, “Everything.”

For centuries faith has determined the worth of Jerusalem for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

As an atheist I think they all believe what they believe to be true, but several years ago James Cameron, director of THE TERMINATOR series had declared his discovery of Jesus’ tomb in Talpiot.

His DNA evidence attests to the veracity of his findings along with the suggestion that Jesus might have sired a son named Judah. 

Holy Jesus conspiracy freaks!

While an intransigent non-believer,I ascribe to the theory laid out in Nikos Kazantzakis’ novel THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST purporting that Jesus and Magdalene fled Judea for India. VS Naipul’s TRAVELS AMONGST THE BELIEVERS mentioned a tomb of Jesus in northern India. Supposedly the messiah lived to the ripe age of 124. The wounds never healed in his hands and feet.

I have a question for James Cameron.

“What is Jesus’ Tomb worth?”

Everything or nothing or something in between?

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