Hell No or Else

The ex-model from Paris send her friends epistles about the end of the world. She considers the volcano eruption in Iceland a sign of impending end of everything. Her faith is Baptist. They worship the coming of the Apocalypse for this world has reached eternal damnation for our collective sins.

Homosexuality, same-sex marriage, drugs, rampant atheism, racial miscegenation, opening stores on Sunday, and a myriad of other violations of God’s Commandments. Worst of all America has elected the Anti-Christ as President. Militias are digging up their arms caches. Preachers are warning their flocks of the End of Times. It’s all of 1990s. The hatred and the threats of violence will result in the resumption of bombings against the Federal Government, which has transport by train all the right-wingers and Christian extremists to detention centers where they were be indoctrinated in the ways of Satan.

Populist radio talk hosts have called for resistance a la the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing in 1995. Bill Clinton was president then and the demagogues have realized that Slick Willy isn’t half the Devil that Obama is.

And that is why god is showing his fury with this volcano.

Our black President is out of whack with the celestial scheme.

God is pissed.

We are doomed.

I can feel it in my bones. Not in my soul, since I sold my aether to the credit card companies 10 years ago.

It seemed like a good deal at the time.

What could I have been thinking?

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