Fake Thai Baht

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The economic collapse thanks to fat Americans has sent ripples of desperation throughout the world and police in Thailand like many other countries are reporting an upsurge in crime. Break-ins, shoplifting, and now the passing of bad money, mostly 1000-baht bills in the thousands. These faux notes are circulated by enterprising counterfeiters, who have copied facsimiles of the real money with high-tech printers. Thai police have warned the populace to beware of these notes, but farangs new to the country might find themselves holding bad money, since any Thai knows that this money will be confiscated by the banks without any compensation, so they try and pass it off in taxis or nightclubs.

Also watch out for smaller bills whose colors have been washed off and replaced with another bill’s images. Say a 50-baht bill to a 1000-baht bill.

For these check on the holographic strip.

Have a good times otherwise.

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