Monthly Archives: October 2006

Thieves like Duh

I can’t remember which commandment belongs to ‘thou shalt not steal’. I’ll guess #6. I agree with this rule, for aside from being karmically wrong, the rewards of theft are outweighed by the negatives. Why? Because people make mistakes and two heads are not smarter than one and three are stupider than two. The proof comes […]

Axis of Evil Nukes North Korea

This morning a nuclear bomb was tested underground to celebrate the 9th anniversery of Kim Sung-Il’s appointment as the leader of the Korean Workers Party. International reaction was swift condemnation, especially by the USA, which remains the only nation to have dropped A-Bombs on civilian targets. The UN responded to prodding by the USA with […]

Dope Bust in Pattaya – Duh?

I don’t know why anyone thinks they can get away with smoking pot in Thailand. Ignore the pot tee-shirts and the Rastafarian flags. Getting high on grass is against the law and in many cases a scam. Smiling dealers sell ganja to unsuspecting foreigners and then rat out the potheads to the cops. If you […]

Lust for Movie Stars

Thailand is a country where the women pride themselves for beauty. Hours are spent in hair salons to achieve the perfect look and women will drive little scooters without helmets, preferring to risk their lives rather than styled tresses. Beauty is treasured beyond intelligence and the nation hosts a variety of contests to find out […]

John Mark Carr Innocent

“I am not innocent.” The child porno fugitive declared, as a scrum of Bangkok police escorted John Mark Carr through a gauntlet of rabid reporters. He was declared guilty, guilty guilty by many US talking heads and his arrest sparked a myth that the most recent changes in the Visa on Arrival laws resulted from the lost of […]